woensdag, juni 23, 2004



voor wie zin heeft om een Engels writing examen te lezen van iemand uit het 6e BSO

Writing Exam: This is how I see my future!

I thus will tell over my future! I study now for houtschrijnwerkerij only am now dees year really to know come that I rather in pvc rams and doors would go. First and especially will I my seventh year want to finish so that I a diploma business management have. Then want I yet normally a few year will work where know I not yet right but where I the voorbije year my training period did with brothers fought was well an intressante place. Naturally will I also at the blow want in the pvc for surely saw that one intressante direction is that me well speak to. Also I will gotten married want to be then tege my thirtieth already and have children. After that will I calm an own business want opstarten then especially in the pvc for that direction speaks me at and there falls also good with to earn because the men now trug more geintresseerd are in pvc rams and doors. That business want I then really hold develop so that I that a more beautiful future with can reach for that is really belangrijk also for the maintaining of you woman and children and a house is that natural important for there must you in the future also on foresee be. Also gladly will I far travel want to make because I eager trip the countries where I to would go are want Australiƫ and America really beautiful countries and then especially with the children is that beautiful. Then after my work will I calm want cutbacks with everything finished and closed a trip make and enjoy the life with a good pension can that no problem its. Also wish I naturally my children the best closed and that they a beautiful life can suffer and that perhaps my son my possible business over would be able to take so that he in such a way a little certainly is of its future. In first authority, you must think naturally also of your children. Marja thus my hoofddoel thus an own affair is and fortunately be with woman and children and many trips make and have a good pension.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Please tell me you are joking, if not, your English is rather bad and I suspect you did not score well, did you?