woensdag, oktober 15, 2003


Hm, na de klassieker van 'university diplomas' en 'enlarge your penis' worden de spammers eindelijk wat inventiever.
Moet je kijken wat er in mijn mailbox terechtkwam:

PHONE:00228 920 66 79

Dear: Werner

I am Sani Ibrahim am the Regional Supervisour with STANDARD SECURITY
COMPANY in Lome-Togo.We had a foreign client from belguim (Mr:Bernard Werner)
who deposited $20.5 Million and 165 kilogrammes of gold dust deposited under category
D classifed of the security companys depository terms.

Eventually, this client was among the victims of General Robert Guei the
Late president of the Rep. of Cote d'Ivoire who was assasinated in year
2000 since then we have not had any body coming for the claims as the
next of kin.This deposit was made in disguise of Gold dust with the
security company here in Togo. The money and the gold dust was deposited concealed in a trunk metallic boxes and delcared as gold dust before
the Director of our security Company A sitaution I have monitored closely with my position in the Company.now i want you to stand as the deceased foreign partner and put claim over the deposit as his foreign partner and named
next of kin with documents of proofs which i have in my position,
and i will send you every information needed by the Directors,i contact you so
that you can assist me to facilitate arrangements on how to effect the movement of this fund out of Africa as soon as possible it is in lieu
of this that i decided to solicit for your assistance to achieve this.

Now, having monitored this deposit and managed it over the years before his death,and hence nobody has showed up as the next of kin for the past few years plus, I have removed the file to my private volt. I now solicit for your assistance to present you as the next of kin.every other arrangement
has been concluded by me and I am only looking for a foreigner to enable me move the consignments to his destination.I will need your private telephone and fax numbers and your full name and address company or residential.

This does not have any risk attached to it as all the
internal documentations will be handled by an Attorney. I there fore request you to confirm your interest by a return mail and I will furnish you with details. Lastly,for the immediate take off of this transaction,you have to confirm your willingness and readiness to assist me retrive this deposit. Please note that it will be to the best of our mutual interests if this business is transacted in utmost secrecy.Do not hesitate to contact me as soon as you receive this so that we should know the next line of action .

I look forward to hear from you.

Mr,Sani Ibrahim.

Wel, wat denk je er van? Ik hoop dat het niet waar is.... :)


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